Third shot immunity: Getting the COVID-19 vaccine as an immunocompromised person

I followed the arrows on the floor until I was sitting in a chair with a needle sliding into my arm. My third COVID-19 vaccine; my third dose of Moderna. I never thought I’d see the day – but here it was, Oct. 18. I was at the front of the line in New BrunswickContinue reading “Third shot immunity: Getting the COVID-19 vaccine as an immunocompromised person”

A letter from the outgoing 2021-22 editor-in-chief

If anyone ever tells you student journalism is easy, tell them to take it back. When I came to university, I was somewhat shy, timid and didn’t stand up for myself. I knew I wanted to be a journalist, but after years of being told that I was “too soft,” I was determined to toughenContinue reading “A letter from the outgoing 2021-22 editor-in-chief”

Commentary: A once safe city felt unfamiliar

I live in downtown Fredericton. A normally prime location within walking distance of most places and kind people to pass on the street. But this weekend was different. From Feb. 11-13, I felt unsafe in my downtown apartment. I heard horns blasting through the apartment walls and smelled diesel in the air when I steppedContinue reading “Commentary: A once safe city felt unfamiliar”

University Insider: St. Thomas University

The 411 Best place to live: Downtown! Best place to study: Coffee & Friends downtown is a personal favourite, but when studying in a group, the top floor of Sir James Dunn Hall Best campus events: Shinerama! In first year, you go for the day to different locations around town and raise money for cysticContinue reading “University Insider: St. Thomas University”

Commentary: Chronically ill and unsupported

It’s expensive to be chronically ill. In a country where we have “universal healthcare,” I don’t think able-bodied people realize how pricey a chronic illness can be. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, Lupus, when I was 16. My family spent years buying medication, medical equipment and driving to appointments. When I came toContinue reading “Commentary: Chronically ill and unsupported”

The little things can keep us going through life online

I just finished two semesters of school online and a job that remained fully online since January. I’m about to begin a new online job along with another online class for some extra credits. And this is all within a year where I feel like we’d be better off with laptops welded to our handsContinue reading “The little things can keep us going through life online”

A letter from the incoming 2021-22 Editor-in-Chief

I remember sitting on my friend’s bed at seven years old – I was filling out an application to journalism school and she was filling out one for medical school. Fourteen years later and I’m about to take over the role of editor-in-chief of The Aquinian. In 2018, I walked into my first ever AquinianContinue reading “A letter from the incoming 2021-22 Editor-in-Chief”

Life as a student journalist in a global pandemic

I haven’t written a column in around five months. And I never would’ve expected that. In the midst of the chaos that is online school and an almost-full-time job, I could barely think thoughts of my own let alone put them on paper. I started online classes with a shred of doubt. I was terrified.Continue reading “Life as a student journalist in a global pandemic”

Commentary: Fleeing the province during COVID-19

My gerontology book sat on the floor in front of me in my downtown Fredericton apartment. My computer screen had the quiz page up, but I didn’t start the quiz yet, I didn’t have the motivation. I picked up my phone and opened TikTok, my favourite way to procrastinate – that’s when I get aContinue reading “Commentary: Fleeing the province during COVID-19”

Tony Awards 2020: What will be a great night for Aaron Tveit

If you’re a theatre kid like myself, you probably look forward to that one special day in June, the Tony Awards. They ignite a wave of excitement every year, but when they didn’t take place this summer, I was disappointed but understood why. Turns out they are happening, but just a little bit later. Because Broadway closed inContinue reading “Tony Awards 2020: What will be a great night for Aaron Tveit”